English Language Proficiency

All Florida Tech programs are taught in English. 所有第一语言不是英语的学生和在亚洲博彩平台学习学术课程的学生都需要英语语言能力. 学生可以在提交英语水平证明之前申请并被大学录取. However, 在签发移民文件或入学之前,必须提交可接受的英语水平证明. 这一要求适用于所有形式的学位和证书课程.

欲了解更多信息,请参阅亚洲博彩平台的政策 demonstrating English proficiency in the university catalog.

Demonstrating Proficiency


1. 在进入亚洲博彩平台前不超过两年通过英语考试;

  • an Internet-based TOEFL (standard, home and paper) with an earned score of at least 80; or
  • a TOEFL Essentials with a score of at least 9; or 
  • an IELTS with an earned score of at least 6.5; or
  • a PTE Academic with an earned score of at least 58; or 
  • a Cambridge English: Advanced with an earned score of at least 180 (Grade of C); or
  • a Duolingo English Test with an earned score of at least 105; or 
  • 中国高考英语成绩不低于120/150 (96/120).


2. 在英语考试中获得四分或以上的正式分数:

  • 国际学士学位高级语言A考试英语,或
  • 大学理事会英语语言和写作先修考试.


3. 成功完成英语语言课程:

  • ELS English for Academic Purposes level 112; or
  • Embassy English level B2; or
  • International Education Exchange Association PEAP level 6; or
  • Kaplan International English level Higher Intermediate; or
  • Open Hearts Language Academy level Elite; or
  • UCF英语语言学院8级,成绩达到B级或以上.

4. Studied at an institution in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Anglophone Canada, Anglophone Caribbean, Anglophone Africa, 或以英语为主要教学语言的海外中学,

  • attending for three consecutive years and graduating from an accredited high school; or
  • 在认可的大学或学院完成总共20个学期学分, including three semester credit hours of English that qualify as transfer credit for Florida Tech’s COM 1101 Composition and Rhetoric; or
  • 获得认可的大学或学院的学士或更高学位.

Language Requirements for Flight Students


第一语言不是英语的飞行学生在开始飞行训练之前必须在国际民航组织英语语言能力测试中获得最低4分. 该测试将由FIT航空有限责任公司亲自管理. Outside exams will not be accepted.

任何成绩低于4级的学生都需要完成额外的航空英语语言教学,并在测试中重新测试达到4级才能开始飞行训练. 总教练或其指定人员有权放弃这项测试要求. 所有豁免要求证明语言能力等于或大于国际民航组织第4级.

如果学生不能证明其阅读能力,FIT航空公司可能会停止学生的飞行训练,并要求学生接受额外的英语语言教学, speak, write, and understand the English language, regardless of test score.


国际学生有资格获得某些学术单位的研究生奖学金. 除了特定学术单位的服务要求作为研究生助理, 任何第一语言不是英语的学生必须通过英语水平考试,最低分数如下表所示. 学生还必须通过国际助教口语评估(ITASA)作为研究生助教.

Further information can be found on the Grad Student Assist Employment/Contract page.

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